Which Grip do I Use?

When it comes to hanging on to the Chin Up bars or the Barbell, there are generally a few types of grip that we employ. Depending on the aim of the workout, having these different options will play to your advantage. Hammer Grip A very popular and easy to use grip...

Power Snatch

The Power Snatch is a powerful weight lifting movement that we use frequently in CrossFit. It is also the sexiest movement in CrossFit. Executed correctly, there is no other movement that will give you more satisfaction than a heavy Power Snatch or work your...

HandStand Tips and Video

So you want to turn your world upside down.   Some Tips for doing a Handstand: Fingers are splayed. Splayed fingers give you a bigger base of support. Arms locked out and pushing out. Elbows are locked out and straight. Think of the finish position of the Push...